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Ready, Set, Jet: The Ultimate Carry-On Packing Manual

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

With more and more issues with airlines keeping on schedule, here is what you need to keep with you in your carry-on.

1. Travel Document and Essentials

  • You keep your passport/ID accessible, but also keep your travel itinerary and travel insurance documents nearby too. You won't want to dig through any luggage to find these to reference what the address you're planned to head to when you land. Keep these items in an accessible pocket of your jacket or bag, or you can have images saved to a travel album in your photos.

  • Medical supplies are critical to keep with you. Should your luggage be lost, filling your prescriptions is a headache you don't need, and always pack several extra days too! Also take any OTC meds you may take should you have a headache, nausea or motion sickness.

  • Always keep your chargers with you. No one is eager to share a cord with a stranger when delayed or rescheduling a flight...they have their own emergency to navigate through.

2. Comfort Items

  • Think of anything you need to make your flight comfortable and keep it with you. This includes travel pillows, eye mask and ear plugs. These same things can make longer waits at the airport easier too.

  • Keep a light layer for warmth with you including a blanket, shawl or jacket as they can be used as a pillow too.

  • Make sure Bluetooth headphones or devices are fully charged and bring a fully charged battery pack in case your can't find or have access to a charging port or an outlet.

3. Extra Clothes

  • Always take a change of clothes or any specific clothes you may need for the first 24 hours of your trip. This includes socks, changes of undergarments, swimsuit, and a full outfit. Most pieces of luggage that are delayed are returned within 36 hours. These items will help ensure you can get to the fun without experiencing the same delay your bag is. It also gives you time to wash, dry and re-wear items if necessary.

  • Toiletries are a must! When things go sideways, it's nice to be able to wash your face, comb your hair and brush your teeth. Also bring glasses, contact supplies, lotion and lip balm. This helps you feel renewed even if you're in the airport for hours you weren't intending to be there.

  • Pack your patience! It's very cliche, but once you've arrived at the airport the only thing you can control is yourself. Remember that no one wants to be delayed but also no one wants to delay others. Delays are really about your overall safety so take a deep breath and be kind to yourself and others.

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